However we say it...
Please know your support matters and is deeply appreciated.
Donate To Scion Media, our nonprofit partner, to help SUPPORT their work as a feeder program for Digital Edge TV.
Producing Digital Edge TV is a fast-paced and ever-changing endeavor that requires time for research and production and the expenditure of regular hosting, marketing, and production costs. We offer a few ways you can support our programming, including business sponsorships, but your gift is the fastest and most effective way to make an immediate difference! If you value this show, please share it with your friends, subscribe to us on YT and FB, and by all means, send us a gift! You can donate directly to Scion Media as one time or select recurring monthly payment and your gift is tax-deductible as LC is a registered 501c3 notforprofit corporation. When you click the donation link below, you will leave our site and land on Scion Media's donation page.